Business Loan

Business Loan


Instant Account Opening


Secure Internet


Exciting Offers & Discounts


Earn Reward Points

Take advantage of the Leap Loan to help you grow and scale your business at a favorable interest rate.

  • Starting at N150,000 up to N30 million
  • Range from 4 months to 10 months
  • Loan approval takes 48 to 72 hours.
  • Interest rates between 4% to 4.5%

How it works

  • Easy application. Fill out the application in a few minutes.
  • Financial expert call. Our financial adviser will give you a call and recommend the necessary documents to make the process faster.
  • Visit the nearest branch. We will carefully review all the information submitted and process your loan.
  • Loan approved. Get funds in your business bank account in a few days.

Documentation required:

  • Complete loan application form
  • 3-month Account statement
  • 2 signed cheques
  • Photocopy of ID card
  • Photocopy of Shop receipt
  • Two guarantors (providing the above document)
    10% Equity contribution

Lending loans easily and faster

We have the capability to lend you loans ranging from N150k to N40 million and above.

Achieve your business goals.

We don't just stop at giving you loans; our financial expertise will provide the tools and support needed to achieve your business goals.

Empowering traders and SMEs

Through this loan, traders and SMEs can start, grow, and scale their businesses.

Profit in business consistently

The end goal of our lending is to ensure that you increase sales, exceed customer expectations, and succeed profitably.

Head Office

Suite A204 Garki Mall
Plot 47 Damaturu Crescent
Garki Abuja.

+234 809 295 0284
+234 902 308 9604
+234 805 224 7850
+234 811 291 4102

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